Thank you to all who supported or took an interest in my Campaign for Mayor of Melbourne, FL. I am sorry to report, but the election is over and I lost (as did two others running for the same office of Mayor). The website will be closing at the end of next month. I appreciate your support and offers, but we certainly cannot now accept money, donations or volunteers. Please stay interested in local politics and follow the news.
Signed: Molly Tasker, Former Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne, FL
Signed: Molly Tasker, Former Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne, FL
Dated: 18 December 2020
This ad originally appeared in the Hometown News on Friday 2 October 2020
Below is a straight-forward question-answer email exchange I had with a citizen of Melbourne. I'm publishing it here so that all the voting public might also know my unvarnished thoughts, feelings and vision for Melbourne. An informed public is a good thing! Good Reading!
Sincerely, Molly Tasker, Your Experienced, Effective, Ethical Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne
START TRANSCRIPT -------------------------------------
-- On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 6:09 PM Suzanne [a Melbourne Voter] wrote:
I’m still just a concerned voter wanting the best mayor we can have.
I know your position as Mayor is supposed to be non-partisan, but I also know a person’s leanings, left or right, influence one’s decisions while in office. I have been reading about the other candidates and right now, for my family, it’s between you and Alfrey. Care to tell me how you feel about building in Melbourne, hotels, condos, large things like that? What you love about Melbourne and how you’ll care for it?
-- On Sep 19, 2020, at 3:06 PM, Molly Tasker [Candidate for Melbourne Mayor] wrote:
Hello Suzanne,
I’m still just a concerned voter wanting the best mayor we can have.
I know your position as Mayor is supposed to be non-partisan, but I also know a person’s leanings, left or right, influence one’s decisions while in office. I have been reading about the other candidates and right now, for my family, it’s between you and Alfrey. Care to tell me how you feel about building in Melbourne, hotels, condos, large things like that? What you love about Melbourne and how you’ll care for it?
-- On Sep 19, 2020, at 3:06 PM, Molly Tasker [Candidate for Melbourne Mayor] wrote:
Hello Suzanne,
Glad to know some voters actually research and honestly compare the candidates. I strongly believe in keeping to the principle of non-partisanship when the people have decided that they prefer that the municipal elective offices be and remain non-partisan. That is why since deciding to run for Mayor, I registered as having No Party Affiliation. I get no support from the Democratic Party or the Republican Party or any Party for that matter. Although I do have a lot of support from INDIVIDUALS from both Parties -- after all when you vote, no one actually knows how you vote unless you want them to know, Thank goodness we live in America where individuals are free and able to do that which they know to be the right thing.
I lean to the right when it comes to National Security, Law and Order, Rule of Law (civil and criminal), and fiscal soundness. I lean to the left when it comes to equality under the Constitution, Equality of Opportunity (the chance to at least try), Affordable Health Care for our citizens, and true Scientific Expertise.
I love being back in Brevard. For years I dutifully went where my Country sent me. When I came home it felt natural for me to continue in public service. It's a calling. I have roots here. Family. I love the Melbourne atmosphere -- hometown, yet high tech industries, colleges, universities, retirees, tourists. military community, the Space Program, regular good solid citizens, safety, beauty, diversity, innovation. I want us to grow yet maintain those qualities at the same time. We can do that with appropriate, ethical, smart local governance by electing me, Molly Tasker.
Will do. Spread the word. I appreciate your involvement and support. Cheers, Molly Tasker
I lean to the right when it comes to National Security, Law and Order, Rule of Law (civil and criminal), and fiscal soundness. I lean to the left when it comes to equality under the Constitution, Equality of Opportunity (the chance to at least try), Affordable Health Care for our citizens, and true Scientific Expertise.
I love being back in Brevard. For years I dutifully went where my Country sent me. When I came home it felt natural for me to continue in public service. It's a calling. I have roots here. Family. I love the Melbourne atmosphere -- hometown, yet high tech industries, colleges, universities, retirees, tourists. military community, the Space Program, regular good solid citizens, safety, beauty, diversity, innovation. I want us to grow yet maintain those qualities at the same time. We can do that with appropriate, ethical, smart local governance by electing me, Molly Tasker.
We'll be updating my website this weekend through to Tuesday 22 Sep. 2020.
Please visit www.mollytasker.com Thank you for your interest.
Please visit www.mollytasker.com Thank you for your interest.
Molly Tasker,
Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne
Candidate for Mayor of Melbourne
-- On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 8:12 PM Suzanne wrote:
Thanks for your answer.
Sounds good to me.
I just feel like Melbourne has lost so much of itself with all these big buildings going up.
I moved here in 1956. So I’ve seen a few (way too many) changes. But the population is growing everywhere and we really can’t do anything about it.
You sound like you’d be a good mayor. I appreciate your candid reply.-- On Sep 20, 2020, at 7:45 AM, Molly Tasker wrote:
Thank you!
-- On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 11:00 AM Suzanne wrote:
I just re-read your resume on your website.
Very impressive.
You could put a sign in my yard but I’m not sure anybody could see it for the trees.
-- On Sep 20, 2020, at 6:44 PM, Molly Tasker wrote:
-- On Sun, Sep 20, 2020 at 6:48 PM Suzanne wrote:
Just take good care of Melbourne when you win!
Just take good care of Melbourne when you win!
-- [On] Sep. 20, 2020, [At] 6:58 PM (55 minutes ago), Molly Tasker wrote to Suzanne:
END TRANSCRIPT --------------------------------------
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 3:47 PM Suzanne wrote:
It just so happens I get Hometown News delivered every week.
I told a friend last night we are voting for you and told him why we are and why not for each of the other candidates. He said he’d vote for you too.
Spreading the word...END TRANSCRIPT-------------------- -----------------
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